Literature & Tools
Literature is our "portable program," giving us a means of keeping ourselves in touch with our recovery any time we need it. SCA has developed a number of pieces of its own literature. SCA members also find that using literature from other 12-step fellowships, particularly that of Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon Family Groups, has been very helpful. There are also a number of books on the nature of sexual compulsion and addiction and on recovery from sexual compulsion that are available commercially; while SCA does not endorse outside enterprises, many SCA members have found literature of this nature to be helpful.
SCA's International Service Organization has fully approved this revised Step Workbook. It follows the same format as the NY-approved workbook but contains changes in the "Further Reflections" and some of the self-examination questions. None of the Step commentaries have been altered.
The revised version includes a blank fillable page at the end of each Step for additional writing. Three blank fillable pages after the end of Step Twelve can be used for additional notes. Worksheets for Steps Four, Six, Eight, and Eleven follow these blank pages.
Technical Note: The worksheets are in a horizontal format, while the texts and questions are in a vertical format. You might wish to zoom in on your screen to read the texts better, then zoom out to fill out any of the worksheets.

This book contains more than four decades of experience, strength, and hope in recovery from sexual compulsion. It has been written, edited, and published entirely by members of Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (SCA). This 3rd edition is an expanded and updated version of SCA's previous recovery book. It includes commentaries on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions as adapted from the original principles of Alcoholics Anonymous, as written by members of SCA, and personal stories of recovery.

If you want to order literature for yourself, please click on this link:
SCA New York Meeting Literature Reps can use this form to contact SCA New York's literature distribution chair to purchase literature for their meetings and make an arrangement for in-person pick-up.

The 12 Steps of a 12-Step program provide tools for achieving sobriety and staying sober. Admitting one's powerlessness over addiction is Step 1. The rest of the steps provide tools of sobriety. These are the suggested twelve steps of SCA.
The Twelve Steps of SCA are the spiritual principles by which members can get and stay free of sexual compulsion. Phrases like "working the Steps" or "living the Steps" might be heard in meetings. It is up to each member to determine what "working" and "living" means to them.

The Twelve Traditions of SCA are the spiritual principles by which our fellowship functions as an organization. They enable meetings and other groups -- locally, nationally, and internationally -- to work together. The Traditions allow SCA to pursue its primary purpose of carrying the message of recovery to the sexual compulsive who still suffers.

SCA members have found that we share certain characteristics in common. Read the fourteen characteristics of sexual compulsion and sex addiction.

Information about Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (SCA) including the statement of purpose read at most SCA New York meetings.

A compact reference including our Statement of Purpose, Twelve Suggested Steps, Fourteen Characteristics, and more. You may download a free copy here.

The Gifts of Recovery is SCA’s updated version of The Promises. It describes the various signs of change and spiritual growth in recovery from working the SCA program. It is a short piece, ideal for group reading in meetings.

Sexual Compulsives Anonymous: A Program of Recovery, aka "The Little Blue Book" describes the program of SCA. It is written by members and includes the 12 Steps/12 Traditions adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous, 14 Characteristics we have in common, The Tools that Help us Get Better. There are chapters on Recovery Plans, Sponsorship, Service, what happens at Meetings, masturbation, shame, how to avoid slips, and a brief history of the program followed by some useful prayers and meeting formats.

Living the Program is a commentary on the 12 steps of SCA approved by New York Intergroup for use by groups and individuals in the New York area.

Sexual recovery plans have three columns: abstinence, high-risk, and recovery activities. The sexual recovery plan is used as a blueprint for recovery. The abstinence (first) column includes "bottom-line" behaviors corresponding to relapse and from which members ask their Higher Power to be freed. The high-risk (second) column includes behaviors, emotional states, ritualized activities, and situations that make them vulnerable to relapse. The recovery (third) column includes positive behaviors that support their wellbeing and meet their needs in a healthy manner.

SCA members have devised these Twenty Questions to help newcomers decide whether they are sexually compulsive.

SCA New York offers secular literature about recovery in the 12-Step SCA program.

If you hold a Literature service position at an SCA New York meeting and need to order additional literature, please click on this choice and complete the contact form on the following page.

The SCA "SCAnner" is an online newsletter maintained by SCA's International Service Organization. It contains news and information about local chapters of our fellowship beyond New York.